Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Sunday Funday
WARM UP 400m Run Inddor plyos MOBILITY Banded Shoulder Banded Wrist *palm on floor w/ band pulling back Banded “Pilates” *band on rack, foot in band pointed away from rack. Pull leg down to activate
Weekend Fun!
WARM UP 2 Rounds of :30 drills run in place lunges arm circles forwards arm circles backwards bar hang push-ups squats 1:00 stretch WOD Mini “Hansen” 3 rounds for time : 30 KBS (32/24) 30 Burpees
Happy New Year!
WARM UP 400m Run Plyos 2 Rounds: 5 Inch Worms + 2 Push-up 15 Ring Rows STRENGTH Bench Press 4×5 AHAP WOD For time: 45 Pull-Ups 45 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) (6:00 rest) 800m Run for
New Year’s Eve!
Reminder, we will only be holding classes at 6AM, 8AM and 9AM today! We wish everyone a fun and safe New Year’s Eve and we certainly look forward to another year of pushing our members
Tomorrow’s Hours
We have decided to add a few classes the morning of New Year’s Eve to even out classes and allow those who are working to attend a class that morning. The new schedule for Wednesday,
Updated New Years Hours!!!
We have decided to add a few classes the morning of New Year’s Eve to even out classes and allow those who are working to attend a class that morning. The new schedule for Wednesday,