Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
WARM UP Plyos ENDURANCE Sled Push *Length of the Building x 4 (Sled + 180/120) WOD 3 Rounds: 10 Push Press (95/65) Rx+(135/95) 20 Situps 10 OHSQ
Two-Fer Tuesday
WARM-UP 200m Run Everett Warm-Up SKILL For Time: 100 DU 30 T2B 75 DU 25 T2B 50 DU 20 T2B WOD 4 Rounds: 200m Run 10 Burpee Over Bar 5 Power Cleans (155/105) Rx+ (185/135)
Our second weekend Yoga class was another great success with almost 20 people! Don’t forget, every Sunday at 3pm there is Yoga class at Mission and its FREE to everyone! WARM-UP 3 Rounds: 200m
K-Star. Are you mobilizing enough?
Here is a great synopsis of the 60min Sports interview with World-Renown Physical Therapist Kelly Starrett. We implement so many of his mobility tricks into our classes that y’all may not even know it! Take
Mobilitization… Yes, That’s a Word
WARM UP 200m Run 1 Set of Fence Drills 10 Air Squats :30 Squat Hold 10 Inch Worms :60 Plank Hold Brief Everett Warm-up MOBILITY Coach’s Choice WOD 10 Rounds: 5 Toes 2 Bar (or
WARM UP :30 Drills x 2 Jumping Jacks Seal Jumps Air Squats Lunges then… 3 Rounds of Cindy Quick Plyos ENDURANCE 2:00 ME Shuttle Run (Across Parking Lot & Back) (1:00 Rest) 2:00 ME Shuttle