Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Sumo Deadlift Skill Day
WARM UP Shuttle Run + Burpees :30 Drills SKILL Sumo Deadlift Technique WOD 21-15-9 Sumo Deadlift (225/155) Bar Over Burpees Hollow Rocks CASH OUT ???
September Athlete of the Month – Wallace Schmuck
Well, better late than never they say… We are proud to announce Wallace Schmuck as our September Athlete of the Month. He’s a regular in our evening classes and has become one of our hardest
Start Your Week Off Right
WARM UP 3 Rounds: Curb to Curb Run 5 Strict Pullups 10 Lunges 15 Overhead Squats w/PVC STRENGTH 12 Minutes to Find 1 Rep Max Floor Press Then 1 Set of ME Pushups WOD 10
Polishing off the Week
WARM UP Quick Plyos PVC Warmup Jerk Warmup STRENGTH 12 Minutes to Work up to 1 Rep Max Jerk WOD 1 Min ME C2B Pullups (RX+: Muscle ups) 3 Min AMRAP: 9 Shoulder to Overhead
Heavy Overhead Lunges are Fun…
Check out the NEW Youth CrossFit Class taught my Coach Travis! See the flyer HERE. WARM UP 2x CTC Run Ladder Drills MOBILITY Banded Hip Complex Banded Shoulder Complex WOD 3 Rounds: 10 Clusters
Hump Day Endurance
Today is the anniversary of 9/11. Take a moment in remembrance of the lives that were lost that day and take a second to tell your loved ones and friends that you love and appreciate