Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Happy Labor Day!
Reminder!!! Coach Ursula Garza will be starting her Weightlifting Wise courses in two weeks! Be sure to get signed up before spots run out! Also, on the days that the class runs, THE ENTIRE LIFTING
Holiday Reminder!
Just a reminder that there is NO 4:00pm class this evening Tomorrow, there will only be classes at 8:00am and 9:00am then the gym will be open until about 12:00pm. No other classes will be
Hooray for Friday!
Just a reminder… Here’s our Labor Day Schedule: Sunday, September 1 9 AM Class ONLY. No 4PM Class. Labor Day (9/2/13) Gym Hours: 8 AM and 9 AM Class ONLY!!! All other classes are cancelled
New Barbell Sport Prep Dates!
There will be a new 4-week cycle of the Barbell Sport Prep class starting in 2 weeks! The schedule will be as follows: – Starting Monday, September 9; Mondays & Wednesdays @ 6:00AM with Coach
Labor Day Schedule
Sunday, September 1 9 AM Class ONLY. No 4PM Class. Labor Day (9/2/13) Gym Hours: 8 AM and 9 AM Class ONLY!!! All other classes are cancelled for the day. We hope that all of
Oh, The Fun You Can Have With Just a Plate…
WARM UP Light Plyos PVC Warmup MOBILITY Banded Hip Mobility Rack Barbell Hamstring Foam Roll (Post WOD) WOD 800m Run then… 2 Rounds: 40 Plate OH Lunges (45/25) 30 Plate G2O 20 Burpees onto Plate