Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Got To Use That Bar
Check out what Louie Simmons has going on with his snatch progression! [youtube=] Buy-In: 10-1 Squats/Push-Ups PVC Shoulders Burgener Warm-Up Strength: Max Snatch WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP of: 7 SDLHP (75/55) 7 Burpees Over The
Got To Get Those Beach Side Legs
BUY-IN: 200m Row 2 Rounds of: 20 Good Mornings 20 Squats Strength WOD: 5,3,3,1,1,1 Build to Max Dead Lift WOD: 21-15-9 DL @ 65% of 1 Rep Max Lunges (each leg) 200m Run
Bear Crawls For Days
BUY-IN: 400m Run 3 Rounds of Cindy Mobility WOD: 5:00 Foam Roller Partner Stretching WOD: For Time 50 Box Jumps 24/20 Pole to Pole Bear Crawl 40 Squats Pole to Pole Bear Crawl 30 Sit-Ups
Your New Favorite Four-Way
BUY-IN: 200m Runs and PVC Work Coaches Choice Endurance WOD: Burpee/Hollow Rock 20/10,18/8,16/6,14/4,12/2 WOD: Teams of 4: For Time and Reps P1- 1000m Row P2- Max PP (75/55) P3- Max KBS (24/16) P4-V-ups Each team
Sun’s Out, Pistols Out!
There will be no Mission CrossFit Kids class on Thursday June 14th, Tuesday June 19th or Thursday June 21st. Classes will resume Tuesday June 26th! Thank you! BUY-IN: 500m Row 20 Push-ups 20 Lunges (each
New T-Shirts, Tanks and Bro-Tanks are to be here Today!
Make sure to reserve yours before they’re gone! There is a sign-up sheet at the front desk, so if you’re wanting to hold one before they are released, write your name down then come pick