Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Da Bear.
The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Open begins this week! Many of us have been waiting all year for this time. If you’re going to join us on the team, make sure to get registered by Wednesday!
Just End The Week Rough.
BUY-IN: Plyos :30 Bar Hang 15 Squats 5 Burpees Strength WOD: 5min AMRAP of Pull-ups *1min REST 3min AMRAP of Squat Cleans @ 75% of 1RM WOD: 3RFT (20min Cutoff) *250m Row 15 Thrusters (95/65)
Make sure that if you haven’t registered for the affiliate team yet that you do it soon! You only have until next week to do so. Don’t wait until the last minute to do it,
Deadlifts and Burpees Were Meant for Each Other
BUY-IN: :30 Drills (x2) Jacks Squats Straight Leg Sit-ups Push-ups 400m Run Endurance WOD: 1000m row TT Men > 4:00 = 25 burpees Women > 4:30 = 25 burpees *REST 500m row TT Men >
Happy Valentine’s Day!
In honor of Valentine’s Day, Coach Junior designed a workout specially for this occasion! BUY-IN: Plyos Mobility WOD: Lunge Stretching Lacrosse Ball on Shoulders/Chest WOD: For Time: (25min Cutoff) 100 L. HPU 150 O. HSQ
Unbroken Is The Goal
BUY-IN: 2 Rounds: 250m Row Fence Drills :30 Bar Hang Strength WOD: 3 Rep Max Front or Back Squat (10min) WOD: 5 RFT (20min) 5 Squat-Cleans (155/105) 10 Pull-ups 15 Box Jumps @ 20”