Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
A Little Rain Never Hurt Anyone
BUY-IN: :30 Drills (x2) Arm Circles Jacks Seal Jumps Squats Gate Swings Strength WOD: 10 x 2 Banded Deadlift 50% of 1 RM on Bar + 25% of 1RM in Band Tension WOD: “Back to Nature” (15min
Yes, It’s Really An AMRAP
BUY-IN: Plyos Mobility WOD: Foam Roller Shoulder Warm-up WOD: 20min AMRAP 50 LHPU 40 Toe-to-Bar 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups 20 V-ups 10 Handstand Push-ups *Keep your intensity level up. If you start doing singles, modify to keep
Holy Cow! Endurance.
BUY-IN: 20 of Each: Pelvic Raises/Kicks/Table Tops Around the World InchWorm to Scorpion Stretch Endurance WOD: 16 x :20/:10 for total Distance WOD: 15min AMRAP 12 SDHP (95/65) 200m Run/Row 12 Thrusters (95/65) *Alternate each round
Focus In Your Last 5 Minutes
BUY-IN: 3 Rounds: 200m Row 20 Gate Swings 1 Set of Fence Drills Mobility WOD: Wall Stretch Banded Ankle/Squat Hip Flexor Stripping WOD: 21 – 15 – 9 (20min Cutoff – No matter what) Burpees Over
The Open Starts Soon
Make sure to register for the Open and vote for team captains! BUY-IN: 400m Run PVC Warm-up 5pt-Hip Overhead Squat Review Strength WOD: 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 Overhead Squat #
We will NOT be having class Sunday (tomorrow) at 4:00pm because of the Super Bowl. So, gather up your friends and family and have fun! We also have a NEW Athlete of the Month! Congrats