Keep That Heart Rate Up
WARM-UP Outdoor Plyos ENDURANCE 2 x 800m Slam Ball Carry (#30/20) *rest while partner runs WOD 15min EMOM (:15 change over time to next station) Minute 1: Max Effort Row
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WARM-UP Outdoor Plyos ENDURANCE 2 x 800m Slam Ball Carry (#30/20) *rest while partner runs WOD 15min EMOM (:15 change over time to next station) Minute 1: Max Effort Row
WARM UP 400m Run Outdoor Plyos STRENGTH 4×5 Deadlift *4 Sets @ Heavy Load *Not Maximal WOD 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Burpees 20 AbMat Slam Ball Situps (20/14) Rx+(30/20)
This weekend, our beloved Coach Neal will be competing in a Powerlifting Competition in Austin. He has recently found a real passion for powerlifting and has really taken it upon
WARM-UP 200m run :30 of each (x2) Jumping Jacks – Walking Lunges – Arm Circles – Bar Hang – Handstand Hold – Lunge to Instep – Push-ups STRENGTH: 12:00 to
WARM UP Plyos MOBILITY Coach’s Choice WOD 14 Min AMRAP 200m Run 5 Push Press 7 Hang Cleans 9 Deadlifts
WARM UP 200m Run 2 Rounds of Cindy ENDURANCE Teams of 3: Complete a 3k Row *Row no more than 250m at a Time WOD Teams of 3: Each Partner
WARM UP 3x :30 Drills Jumping Jacks Air Squats Lunges Push Ups Straight Leg Sit-ups 1:00 Stretch SKILL Death by Clean and Jerk (135/95) 10 Minute Cap WOD 7 Min
ATTENTION!!! Athletes who want to complete Open WOD 14.4 again this afternoon will have to come in and complete the workout at 6:30pm. We cannot interfere with CrossFit Kids so
WARM UP Coach’s Choice OPEN WOD 14.4 Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of: 60-calorie row 50 toes-to-bars 40 wall-ball shots (20/14) 30 cleans (135/95)
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217