Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 26
Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 26
Come join us before we close at 1pm!
Last class of the day is 12:00pm! WARM UP: 20 Jumping jacks 20 Seal jumps :60 Couch stretch R :60 Couch stretch L :60 Downward dog stretch 3 Rounds of
Remember no afternoon classes tomorrow!
WARM-UP: Plyos Barbell smash SKILL: DU skill work WOD: 14 Min AMRAP 15 Deadlifts 200m Run C2C farmers carry
I get to rest?!
WARM-UP: 10 Cal row :30 Bar hang :30 Hollow body hold :30 Superman hold 10 Push ups SKILL: Partner WOD: 2 Rounds: 400m Run 5 Manmakers WOD: 5 Rounds 20/16
Post Superbowl
WARM UP: 200m Run 2 Rounds: 20 Monster walks each directions 10 Pelvic raises with :05 hold at top SKILL: Straight to WOD WOD: 800m Run 1 Rope climbs 24
Superbowl! Class at Noon!!
WARM-UP: 200m jog Plyos 200m run Plyos 200m run Plyos 200m sprint Plyos 400m sprint SKILL: Straight to WOD WOD: 24:00 EMOM M-1: 16-KB figure 8s through legs M-2: 15
Are you ready for the Open?
WARM-UP: 1 Shuttle Run 20 Jumping jacks 10 Spiderman crawls 10 Lunges 10 Knees above hips 10 Dynamic good mornings SKILL: OH Walking Lunges (10:00) 3 Rounds: 25 Feet OH
How far can you get?
WARM UP: PVC: 6 Pass thrus 6 Figure 8s 10 Thrusters 2Xs: 5 Pull ups 5 Push ups 5 Sit ups 5 SquatS SKILL: 12:00 EMOM Odd: 5-8 Thrusters Even: