Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Wear Your High Socks
WARM-UP: PVC pipe warm up SKILL: Rope Climbs! WOD: “Bradley” (35min cut) 10 RFT: 100M Sprint (CTC run) 10 Pull Ups 100M Sprint 10 Burpees Rest :30
6 Year Anniversary WOD
WARM-UP: Plyos WOD: Anniversary WOD Teams of 4 (35:00) 200 DU 800m run (each person runs a 200m sprint) 100 T2B 80 C&J (135/95) 800m run 200DU 2000m row
The Faster You Sprint, The Faster It’s Over
WARM-UP: :30 drills: 2xs Jumping jacks Ring rows Good mornings Bar hang Calf stretch (:15 each) Baby squats SKILL: 4x’s 200m Sprint on Rower (rest 1:00 or while partner rows) WOD: 16 Min AMRAP 20
6 Year Anniversary WOD This Saturday!
WARM-UP: 200m Row 20 Kicks on back 200m Row 20 Pelvic raises 200m Row 20 Scorpions 200m Row 20 Banded good morning SKILL: Pull Ups 7×3 Strict Pull Ups (1:00 Rest between sets) WOD: Chipper:
Back Squats To Up Your Leg Game
WARM-UP: 3 x 10 Monster walks each direction 2 Rds: Fence drills 10 Lunge to instep 10 Inch worm to PU 10 Air squats SKILL: Every 2:30 For 12:30 5 X 5 Back Squat @ 70%
National Caramel Day!!!
WARM-UP: 200M Run 3 Rounds Cindy Group stretch SKILL: 4×10 Barbell Bent Over Row (10min) (125/85) WOD: 21-15-9 (15min) Squat Cleans(135/95) HSPU