Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Last Endurance of the Year
WARM-UP: 3:00 row 3:00 banded monster walks (:45 each direction) 3:00 piriformis stretch on box (:90 each side) SKILL: For Time: 500m Row 100 Double Unders 20 Cal on Bike WOD: 4 RFT (15:00)
Push Press, Push Jerk Complex
WARM-UP: 9:00 EMOM M1: Row M2: Jump Rope M3: :30 Squats/:30 Knee above hip swings SKILL: PP+PJ (5+7) Build to a heavy weight of the complex then: 3 x complex at 80% WOD: 10 Min
Snatch complex
WARM-UP: 200m Run 1 set fence drills 3x 10 Toy Soldiers (total) 10 air squats 30s bar hang 30s handstand hold or plank hold SKILL: 14:00 to build up: Snatch + OHSQ + Hang Snatch
Come sweat out those Christmas cookies
WARM-UP: 400m run Plyos Group Stretch inside WOD: 5 Rounds: 15 Cal Row 12 Ring Rows 9 Slam Balls (30/20) 6 HSPU 3 Squat Clean Thruster (115/95) (1:00 rest at the end of each round)
Deck of Death with a Partner
WARM-UP: 3X 200m Run/Row 20 Walking lunges :30 Lunge to instep hold (each side) :30 Couch stretch 5 Strict pull-up SKILL: For time: 800M Run 100 Double unders Burpee broad jump length of the gym
Merry Christmas from Mission CrossFit San Antonio
We are closed today to celebrate the holiday with our families! We will return to normal tomorrow (8 a.m. and 9 a.m. class). Want a workout to do at home? Invite your family and friends