Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Only a Couple Spots Left for Mud Bug Throwdown!!!
MUD BUG UPDATE!!! ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT FOR SCALED DIVISION ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT FOR RX DIVISION Sign up HERE or talk to a coach and have them sign you up! ——————————————————— Also, Coach Nick’s
Mud Bug Challenge 1 – “Any Way You Like It”
Mud Bug Challenge Numero Uno – “Any Way You Like It” 6 Minutes to Complete: Max Effort row for meters and as many Ground-to-Overheads as possible. Score 1 = total meters rowed Score 2 =
Mud Bug WOD 1 Releases Today!
Check back later today! Details and demo will be up by the end of the morning!!! WARM UP 3:00 Jump Rope 20 Pelvic raises 20 Single Leg
Brighton Center Big Give – Tuesday, May 5th!
Brighton is partnering with Mission Crossfit during The Big Give SA! Be a part of this local day of giving and support an organization that does so much in our community! There will be a table set
Great Weather to WOD!!!
WARM UP 400 m run Line drills Fence drills 6 to 1: Squats and Pushups SKILL 3 x ME set of each: (10:00) TTB Double Unders Score is total reps of each WOD 4 RFT
Mud Bug Throwdown is next week!
Only a few spots left! 4 Scaled 5 Rx If you normally do workouts in class Rx or close to Rx, then the Rx division is for you! There is a sign up list