Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Team Rowing
WARM-UP 400m Run :30 Drills (x2) Jumping Jacks Good Mornings Seal Jumps Air Squats Push-ups 1:00 Plank ENDURANCE Teams of 4 (20:00 cutoff) 4,000m Row for time (250m ONLY at a time) WOD For Time
Staying Warm!
There are still a few slots available for the “We Are Change Challenge”. Click HERE if you want to sign up or find more info on the upcoming nutrition competition. Registration CLOSES on Tuesday, January 13th
First Mobility Day of the New Year
Lets get those bodies loosened up for the new year! WARM-UP 2 Rounds of: 250m Row 10 Lunge to instep (each) 10 Push-ups 10 Baby Squats 10 Russian KB Swings MOBILITY Coach’s Choice WOD For
Coach Amy’s Final Regular Day
Hopefully all of you have had the chance to meet Coach Amy Hicks during your time at Mission CrossFit SA. If you haven’t yet, definitely make sure to start coming to Saturday morning classes in
We Are Change Challenge 2015
WE ARE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2015 2014 is over, and so begins 2015. Have you accomplished what you set out to accomplish at the start of the year? As 2015 begins, we are getting ready for
Fresh Start to 2015
WARM UP 2 Rounds: 15 Jumping Jacks 10 Lunges 10 Ring Rows 5 Inch Worms 250m Row STRENGTH Bulgarian Split Squats 3×8 Each Leg w/KB’s WOD 12 Min Ladder: 10 WBS (20/14) 5 T2B 10