Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
#ALOTO 7 FEB 15 WARM UP 3 Min Jump Rope 20 Reps Each of: Pelvic Raises 1 Leg Pelvic Raises Straight Leg Kicks Scorpions Push-ups SKILL 10:00 to Complete 3 ME Sets of: Toes 2
August 2014 Athlete of the Month – Michael Rodriguez
It can be argued that the 5 AM class is a group of some of the most motivated individuals at our gym. I mean… They wake up by at least 4:30 AM to get to
Let’s Deadlift
WARM UP 200m Run Indoor Plyos 20 BSQ w/Barbell 20 Good Mornings STRENGTH 1 Rep Max Deadlift * Heavy But Perfect WOD 14 Min EMOM Odd: 7 Deadlifts @ 60% of 1RM Even: 12 WBS
If you or someone you know is interested in judging, Trinity Competitions is paying their judges for working the competitions. The next two competitions are Sept. 13th and Nov. 8th here in SA. Please fill
Some of you know that the Duality competition brought to you by Trinity Competitions was sold out in minutes, but there will be another 50 spots opening up soon! Please pay attention to the website
And You Thought Yesterday Was Endurance Day…
WARM UP 200m Run Ladder Drills MOBILITY Coach’s Choice WOD 10 OHSQ (155/75) Rx+ (135/95) 15 T2B 800m Run – Meet Our Newest Front Desk Host: Isabel