Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
2-Part Endurance
WARM UP 2 Rounds: 250m Row 10 Empty Barbell Push Press 10 Inch Worms 10 Air Squats ENDURANCE 4 Rounds: Performed as an EMOM Min 1: 16/14 Cal Row Min 2: 10 Push Press (95/65)
WE WILL NOT HAVE WATER UNTIL AT LEAST 8:30AM TOMORROW (6/4) We sincerely apologize to our members for this issue. Unfortunately, we have no control over the situation. Plumbers came to fix an issue
Technique Tuesday
WARM UP 400m Run PVC Warm-up SKILL Hang Snatch Positional Work WOD 4 Rounds: 10 OHSQ (135/95) 15 LHPU 20 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
Let’s Squat!
WARM UP 400m Run Everett Warm-Up STRENGTH Back Squat 3x :60 ME Reps @ 70% of 1RM *Rest Approx 2 Min b/w Sets WOD 12 Min AMRAP 200m Run 10 KBS (32/24) 15 C2B Pullups
WARM UP 400m Run Plyos STRENGTH 16 Min EMOM Alternating Rounds With a Partner: Squat Clean + Push Press *Add Weight Each Round to Find Max in Complex WOD 3 Rounds for Total Reps: :30
Let’s Run for Fun!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Starting June 1 (This Sunday!) we will be discontinuing our 9:00 AM Sunday Class. We will still run the 4:00 PM class every Sunday, however the 9:00 AM will no longer be offered.