Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Hope You Enjoy Being Upside Down…
WARM UP 10 Min to Complete: 500m Row 400m Run 2:00 Jump Rope 20 Air Squats MOBILITY Psoas Stretch on Low Box 5x :30 FSQ Holds (AHAP) WOD For Time (16:00 Cap) 800m Run 4
Keep That Heart Rate Up
WARM-UP Outdoor Plyos ENDURANCE 2 x 800m Slam Ball Carry (#30/20) *rest while partner runs WOD 15min EMOM (:15 change over time to next station) Minute 1: Max Effort Row for Calories Minute 2: 20
April 2014 Athlete of the Month – Ashley Rice
Congratulations to Ashley Rice who was selected as our April 2014 Athlete of the Month! She’s an athlete who has seen huge improvements since her first day walking in the gym (especially considering we didn’t
Get the Week Started off Right!
WARM UP 400m Run Outdoor Plyos STRENGTH 4×5 Deadlift *4 Sets @ Heavy Load *Not Maximal WOD 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Burpees 20 AbMat Slam Ball Situps (20/14) Rx+(30/20) 200m Run – 2:00 Rest
Coach Neal's Competition
This weekend, our beloved Coach Neal will be competing in a Powerlifting Competition in Austin. He has recently found a real passion for powerlifting and has really taken it upon himself to work hard for
CrossFit Games Open WOD 14.5
WARM-UP 200m run :30 of each (x2) Jumping Jacks – Walking Lunges – Arm Circles – Bar Hang – Handstand Hold – Lunge to Instep – Push-ups STRENGTH: 12:00 to build to a heavy 2-rep