Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
On-Site Massage Therapist
Mission CrossFit SA has TWO Massage Therapists on-site! Have a nagging issue? Pulled a hamstring running yesterday? Book yourself an appointment today be either registering via our online scheduler by Clicking Here, or contact one
WARM UP :30 Jumping Jacks :30 Lunges :30 Seal Jumps 3 Rounds: 200m Run 1 Round of Cindy STRENGTH 10:00 EMOM ME Set of Strict Pull-ups WOD 20 Min AMRAP 400m Run 12 Toes to
Happy Valentine’s Day!
WARM UP 400m Run :30 Drills x 3 Rounds Jumping Jacks Good Mornings Air Squats Lunge to Instep Bar Hang STRENGTH 12 Min to Find 3 Rep Max Then 3×3 @ 85% WOD Open WOD
It’s Finally Warm Enough to Run!!!
WARM UP 3 Rounds: 250m Row 15 Air Squats 10 Good Mornings MOBILITY Banded Hip Mobility Couch Stretch T-Spine Work WOD 3 Rounds: 400m Run 10 Clean and Jerk (135/95) 20 Hand Release Pushups
More Partner Fun!
WARMUP Indoor Plyos ENDURACE 10 Minutes to Complete: (3) 100m Sprints on Rower for Best Possible Time WOD *Round 1 P1: 5 FSQ (155/105) P2: 5 FSQ P1: 5 FSQ P2: 5 FSQ P1&P2: 10
Because of the weather today, we’re changing our WOD schedule a bit. Don’t worry, you’ll still get to do today’s regular scheduled workout on Thursday! WARM UP 3 Rounds 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Straight Legged