Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Advocare 24-Day Challenge
Many of you have heard that we are going to start a new nutrition challenge after the Whole Life Challenge ends on November 2nd. This challenge will be a 24-day supplement focused challenge to either
Grab Your Partner and Do-Si-Do
WARM UP 400m Run Plyos MOBILITY Banded Shoulder Barbell Trap Smash Foam Roller WOD Partner “DT” 10 Rounds of the Following, Alternating Rounds With Your Partner: 12 DL (155/105) 9 Hang Cleans 6 Shoulder to
It’s one thing when you forget to put your box or band back after pull ups, but a completely different thing when a very expensive, personal piece of equipment is left OUTSIDE of the building
Perfect Weather for an Endurance Day!
WARM UP Ladder Drills Tabata: KB Swings Situps WOD/ENDURANCE 50 Pullups then… 4 Rounds: 400m Run 15 Box Jumps (24/20)
How Can You Make a Burpee Worse? You’ll See…
WARM UP 200m Run Plyos SKILL Turkish Get-Ups 2×6 Each Arm WOD 100 DU (200 SU) then… 21-15-9 Sumo DL High Pull (96/65) Hand Release Burpee to Air Squat then… 100 DU (200 SU) Due
Everyone Loves to Squat on Mondays
Congrats to Coach Drew Bignall for qualifying for the American Open!!! He competed this weekend in Austin, Tx at GrassIron Gym and needed to hit a total of 277kg (499.4 lbs) at a body weight