Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
BUY-IN: 400m Run Burgener Warm-up Strength WOD: Snatch 5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1 – 1 WOD: “Take that chip off your shoulder.” 20 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) 10 Hollow Rocks 20 Push-Press
Mini-WOD Day
BUY-IN: Ladder Drills Mobility WOD: Lacrosse Ball Foam Roller WOD: 5:00 to Perform: 200m Run Max HSPU *rest 1:00 5:00 to Perform: 200m Run Max Sit-ups *rest 1:00 5:00 to Perform: 200m Run Max Wall
Wall Climbs are Fun…
BUY-IN: Indoor Plyos Endurance WOD: 1 Mile Run *every 400m, perform 20 stationary jumping split squats WOD: For Time: OH Carry (45/25) – 1st line and back 8 Wall Climbs or 40 PP (95/65) and
Honor a Hero. Honor Your Country.
BUY-IN: 3 Rounds: 250m Row 10 Inch Worms 10 Good Mornings 10 Back Squats Skill: 3 x 1:00 L-Sit Hold (1:00 rest between attempts) if < :15 Hold, then perform v-ups for the remaining time
I Swear It is Not As Bad As It Looks
BUY-IN: 400m Run 2 x: 1 Set of Fence Drills 10 Push-ups 10 Air Squats 10 PVC Pass Throughs Strength WOD: 2:00 Max Effort Pull-ups (any kind) *1:00 rest 5:00 Max Effort HSPU WOD: For Time:
Athlete’s Open
This weekend we sent 1 individual and 1 team to an event in Austin called the Athlete Open. The event was unlike any other competition our athlete’s have competed in because it was composed of