Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Regional WOD #4 With A Twist
South-Central Team WOD 4: Footage BUY-IN: PVC Pass Throughs Fence Drills 10-1 Push Ups/Squats Endurance WOD: 3 Rounds: 400m Run Max Unbroken KB (24/16) WOD: Regional WOD #4 40 BSQ (135/95) 30 Pull-Ups 20 Shoulder-To-Overhead
We Love To Snatch
There is nothing cooler than getting a PR in the snatch. Happy Tuesday! BUY-IN: 400m Run Burgner Warm-Up Skill/Strength: Snatch Work (Burgener drills with Bar) or GHD – 3 x 12 Russian ham Curls –
Because People Leave Their Crap Out
Paleo is over! We will announce the winners later this week! Think of all of the hard work that you did to get where you are, and try not to slip into old eating habits.
Lunge Your Way To The End Of Paleo
Reminder: The benchmark for Paleo will happen in class on Sunday (9:00am and 4:00pm)!! You are almost done! Stick with it! BUY-IN: 400m Run 2 x 10: Inchworms Scorpians Sit-ups Push Ups Squats Strength WOD:
What Are We On? Deadlifts And Ring Dips, Bro.
You must get your measurements for Paleo this week!!!! Don’t come Sunday expecting to get measurements, we won’t have time prior to class. If you are interested in the competition team, we will have initial
Shuttle Run With A Twist
Make sure to get your paleo measurements done this week in the class time you registered for! The final paleo challenge benchmark WOD will be THIS SUNDAY during regular class times (9:00am and 4:00pm). Mark