Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Silver Dancers And Spurs
Some of you know already, but we had the opportunity to become the official gym of the San Antonio Silver Dancers and we jumped at it! You will see the dancers coming in and out
Have You Run Lately In A WOD?
BUY-IN: Everett Warm-up Strength WOD: 10 x 1 Banded Deadlifts (:30 Rest) *Choose 1 of 5 Weights (75/95/135-Purple Bands) (185/225-Dark Green Bands) WOD: For Time: 800m Run 50 Plate Ground-to-Overhead (45/25) 400m Run 50 Medicine Ball
Jeff Martone Likes Kettlebells, So Should You.
BUY-IN: Neck/Arm Circles :30 Drills (x 2) Mobility WOD: Foam Roller Galore WOD: 3 RFT 20 KB Swings (24/16kg) 20 KB Cleans (10 each arm) 20 KB Single Arm Swings (10 Each Arm) 20 KB SHDP
Grand Opening is Coming up!
We have officially had our doors open at the new facility for a little over 3 weeks and it has been a crazy 3 weeks! Just like you, we are all getting use to our
First Day of Sleds!
BUY-IN: 400m Run PVC Warm-up 20 Squats 20 Gate Swings 37 Burpees… Strength WOD: Sled Push 8 x 100′ (:45 rest) WOD: 20min AMRAP 4 Shoulder Press (95/65) 6 Push-Presses 8 Overhead Squat 10 Back Squat
Back to Back Chippers
Those of you who came to Sunday’s classes are in for a treat! We have another Chipper today! This one is not as long or crazy, but more about bar movement and progressively moving through