BUY-IN: Everett Warm-up Burgener Warm-up (Groups 1 & 2) SKILL: 10-15min of Snatch practice *Can build to max Snatch, or work on skill sets WOD: In teams, you are to perform the
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Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 203
BUY-IN: Foam Roller 500m Row 30 Wall Squats 20 PVC Pass Throughs 10 Lunge-to-Instep (each) SKILL/STRENGTH: 4 Rounds: 3 Shoulder Press 3 Push-Press 3 Push-Jerk WOD: 4RFT 6 Right Arm
Today is a day to remember all of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to provide us with our freedom. Remember and honor them proudly!
Why Not A Triplet Before Murph?
Remember we only have a 9:00am class tomorrow morning to perform Murph for Memorial Day! Monday, Memorial Day, only 6:30am, 8:30am and 9:30am classes for anyone to attend! BUY-IN: :30
How Long Can You Last?
Here is a great helpful video from Dusty at Dogtown CrossFit in California. He is a CrossFit Gymnastics Instructor and former Record-Holding College and Junior National Gymnast. Yes, his handstand
This Saturday there will only be a 9:00am class. The reason for this is we will be performing “Murph” in honor of Memorial Day! We are going to participate in
The 2011 CrossFit Regional competitions are coming up! Yesterday CrossFit posted the workouts for all regionals. This is the first time they have posted the workouts so far in advance.
The Total Continues…
Make sure to try and get in today to do either one these workouts! CrossFit Total (only happens a few times a year and everyone is always happy when they
CrossFit Total and Cindy
CrossFit Total is here!! It’s been almost 6 months since we did our last one because of the CrossFit Games Open, so don’t miss this opportunity! Over the next two