EMOM for how long?
WARM UP: 400m run foam rolling monster band walks STRENGTH: 21:00 EMOM 3 rounds: 12 DB hang squat clean 12 burpees 12 wbs 12 ring rows :45 plank 12 kbs
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Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 87
WARM UP: 400m run foam rolling monster band walks STRENGTH: 21:00 EMOM 3 rounds: 12 DB hang squat clean 12 burpees 12 wbs 12 ring rows :45 plank 12 kbs
WARM UP: Plyos WOD: Partner “Daniel” 50 pull-ups 800m run (200m alternating) 42 thrusters (95/65) 1200m run (200m alternating) 42 thrusters (95/65) 800m run (200m alternating) 50 pull-ups
WARM-UP: 400m run Plyos STRENGTH: 8 minute cut off/4 sets Pull-up Complex 2 strict 4 kipping 6 chest to bar WOD: 20 minute cut off 1200m run 30 power clean
WARM-UP 200m Run :30 Drills (x2) – Jacks – Lunges – Arm Circles – Bar Hang – Handstand or Downdog – Push-ups – Squat/Squat Hold – 1:00 of stretching MOBILITY:
WARM UP 400m run 3:00 Jump Rope Arm stretching ENDURANCE/WOD 10:00 to Complete: 1000m Row 20 Burpees 10:00 to Complete: 200m Run 20 KBS (24/16) 200m Run 20 Goblet Squats
WARM UP 200m run 2 rounds: 1 set of fence drills 10 lunges (each) 10 Air squats 5 Lunge to instep 10 Push-ups SKILL/STRENGTH 7:00 EMOM 4 Hip squat cleans
WARM UP 200m Run 20 Kicks (Total) 200m Run 20 Walking Lunges 200m Run 20 Pelvic Raises 200m Run 20 Air Squats STRENGTH 10 Rounds: Every :45 Perform 2 Back
WARM UP 400m Run Foam Roll (5:00) Monster band walks Laterally 2 x 20 steps each forward/backward 2 x 20 steps each WOD 21:00 EMOM 3 Rounds of: 12 DB
WARM UP Plyos *focus on squatting/arms WOD Partner “Daniel” 50 Pull-ups 800m Run (200m alternating) 42 Thrusters (95/65) 1200m Run (200m alt.) 42 Thrusters 800m Run (200m alt.) 50 Pull-ups
WARM UP 400 M Run 3 RDS of CINDY BP Review STRENGTH 15 min Cap 3 RM Bench Press WITH A 3 SECOND NEGATIVE EACH REP Then – Perform 3X6 (NO
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San Antonio, Texas 78217