SKILL: 3 supersets: 8/8 suitcase RNT reverse lunges 5 tempo goblet squats 8/8 single arm strict high pulls WOD: for time: 1000 meter row ————— 4 rounds 10 front rack
SKILL: 3 superset: curb to curb carry 12 dumbbell floor presses WOD: 4 sets of 4:00 amrap: 7 single arm front squats- right 7 single arm front squats- left 14
SKILL: 3 rounds :45 bike sprint 16 death marches curb to curb slamball carry WOD: for time: 800 meter run 5 rounds: 50 double unders 10 deadlift 800 meter run
SKILL: every 3:00 for 12:00: 8 one-and-one quarter back squat WOD: 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time: strict muscle-ups single-leg squats, right leg single-leg squats, left leg