WOD: with a partner: 800 meter run together 50 alternating sandbag over shoulder 60 synchro overhead plate lunges 1.5 mile bike 300 double unders 60 russian twists w/ plate 50 synchro burpees to plate
SKILL: 3 rounds: 10/10 kettlebell suitcase deadlift 10/10 kettlebell single arm hollow body floor press 5/5 kettlebell windmill WOD: 12:00 amrap: 6 deadlifts 12 kettlebell full lever pull through 12 box jumps 200 meter run
WOD: for time: 400 meter run 50 pull ups 400 meter run 40 toes to bar 400 meter run 30 handstand push ups 400 meter run 20 bar/ring muscle ups 400 meter run