Don’t Rush
BUY-IN: 1:00 Jumping Jacks 8-1 Scale of: Squats/Push-ups PVC Shoulder Warm-up Push-Jerk Review LIFT: Max Jerk/15+ Reps (Heavy) WOD: 10min AMRAP 7 Hollow Rocks 5 Clapping Push-ups 7 Wall Ball Shots
Home » Workout of the Day » Page 292
Home » Workout of the Day » Page 292
BUY-IN: 1:00 Jumping Jacks 8-1 Scale of: Squats/Push-ups PVC Shoulder Warm-up Push-Jerk Review LIFT: Max Jerk/15+ Reps (Heavy) WOD: 10min AMRAP 7 Hollow Rocks 5 Clapping Push-ups 7 Wall Ball Shots
We have updated our Trainer page, so go check it out! All the trainers now have their own separate pages, so definitely check back on those pages for their own
If you were here last night, you may have seen a few guys walking around taking pictures and videos of our athletes. They are from the website called WOD-Up. This
BUY-IN: 500m Row 2 Sets of Fence Drills (The Leg Swinging*) 3 Rounds of Cindy Hip/Shoulder Mobility WOD: For Time: (20min Cutoff) 50 Kettlebell Snatches (24/16kg) 50 Jumping Squats 50
Don’t forget to sign-up for Fight Gone Bad 6! On September 17th, Mission CrossFit SA along with 11 other gyms, will be participating and so should you! The sign-up is
Don’t forget to sign-up for Fight Gone Bad 6! On September 17th, Mission CrossFit SA along with 11 other gyms, will be participating and so should you! The sign-up is
BUY-IN: Coaches Warm-up LIFT: Max Deadlift (15min) *You must maintain a tight, flat and controlled back. If you lose form, rep does not count *Lower bar to your knees then
Check out the new athlete, or should I say Athletes of the Month! Congratulations guys! BUY-IN: 500m Row 2 x 20 Gate Swings Foam Roller/PVC Shoulder Work 4 x :10
Today’s workout is a killer. It’s not only physically demanding, but it’s mentally challenging as well. The workout is doable, but you must be precise with your movements and be
Today’s workout is a killer. It’s not only physically demanding, but it’s mentally challenging as well. The workout is doable, but you must be precise with your movements and be
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217