SKILL: 10:00 emom: 2 snatches from below the knee @ 70% WOD: for total repetitions: 3:00 row for calories (:30) 3:00 dumbbell thruster (:30) 3:00 ab mat sit-up (:30) 3:00
SKILL: 3 sets: 10/10 single leg weighted romanian deadlift 20 speed skaters 14 dumbbell hang alternating split clean WOD: for time: 60-ft. handstand walk 10 toes-to-bars 10 deadlifts 60-ft. handstand
SKILL: every 2:00 for 10:00: 8-12 push jerk @ 50% WOD: 16:00 emom: m1: bike for calories m2: 6/6 hang dumbbell power clean + push jerk m3: sandbag bear hug
SKILL: 3 supersets: 12 front raises 12 side raises 12 bent over reverse fly WOD: 4 rounds for time: 15/12 calorie row 12 burpee box jumps 12 sandbag over the