WOD: 12:00 emom: M1: :45 max effort pull-ups M2: :45 max effort push-ups M3: :45 max effort air squats 3:00 rest 12:00 emom M1: 200 meter run M2: :45 max effort toes to
teams of 2 each team must complete 6 rounds each alternating rounds with your partner (12 total rounds) 3 hang power snatch curb to curb sled push 10 step ups
SKILL: front squats every 2:30 for 15:00 (6 sets) sets 1-3: 3 reps at 85% sets 4-6: 1 rep at 90% WOD: for time: 15 power cleans 10 power cleans 5 power cleans
SKILL: weighted box jump drills with dumbbell WOD: *3 person waterfall 5 rounds: 400 meter row 20 zercher hold sandbag box step-up curb to curb dumbbell overhead walk 20 alternating over the