Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Shoulders and Mobility
WARM UP Plyos Burgener Warm-Up WOD 21-15-9 Deadlift HSPU OHSQ Rx (95/65) Rx+ (115/75) Rx++ (135/95) MOBILITY Post-WOD Shoulder Mobility
New Advanced Barbell Prep Courses w/Coach Nick Announced!
Coach Nick is opening up 2 sessions this time around for his barbell courses. Times and start dates are as follow: Level 1 – Monday/Wednesday @ 6:30 AM (Start Monday, Mar. 2) Level 1 –
Shuttle Run Endurance
Attention EVENING ATHLETES: Please be aware of where you are parking when you come to the gym. One of the businesses down the way mentioned that we have been parking in their spots. Those spots
Max Clean and Jerk!!!
We Are Change Athletes! The We Are Change Dare #3 is to complete the 33 burpee test. That means you will complete 33 burpees as fast as you can. Post your time and a selfie
Monday AMRAP
WARM UP 500m Row 3 Rounds of Cindy STRENGTH 3 Sets: 10 Bent Over Row 20 Banded Starfish (2:00 Rest) WOD 20 Min AMRAP: 400m Run 15 Toes to Bar 15 WBS (20/14)
Happy Valentine’s Day
WARM UP 400m Run 2 Rounds: 15 Good Mornings 15 Air Squats 10 Pushups 10 Jump Squats :30 Bar Hang ENDURANCE Partner 1: 200m Run Partner 2: Work to Complete… 100 KBS (24/16) 100 WBS