Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Front Rack Step-Ups!
First, we want to congratulate everyone that competed at Duality this weekend. You all did a phenomenal job of representing our gym by competing at a high level and doing so with class and respect. Also, thanks
Fun Friday!
Tomorrow (Saturday) we have several teams going to compete in “Duality” at the San Antonio Shrine Pavilion. It is a partner competition and we have teams competing in every division. Good luck to the following
Never Forget 9/11
Check out this ARTICLE about 9/11. We will NEVER FORGET. Huge thanks from our staff to our members who serve and protect us and our country! WARM UP :30 Drills x2 Jumping Jacks Lunges
Team Endurance!
WARM UP 3x: 250m Row 15 Good Mornings 10 Lunges 5 Inch Worms ENDURANCE Teams of 4: 2000m Row x 2 (2:00 Rest Between Efforts) WOD 8 Min AMRAP: 30 DU 10 KBS (24/16) Rx+(32/24)
Let’s Overhead Squat!
WARM UP 200m Run PVC Warm-Up Barbell Warm-Up SKILL 3 Rep Max OHSQ WOD 10 Min AMRAP: 200m Run 10 T2B 5 Power Snatch (135/95) Rx+(155/105)
Starting the Week Off With a Chipper
WARM UP 400m Run 3 Rounds: 10 Lunges 10 Air Squats 10 Push-Ups :45 Plank Hold STRENGTH 3×10 Each Leg, Bulgarian Split Squats w/KB’s WOD 500m Row 50 Burpees Over Bar 40 Sit-Ups 30 Back