Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Let’s Snatch
WARM UP 400m Run 3x: 10 Lunges 10 Squats 10 Good Mornings 10 Push-ups 5 Baby Squats MOBILITY Coach’s Choice WOD 14 Min EMOM Odd: 5 Hip Snatch (115/75) Even: 12 WBS (20/14)
Hump Day!
WARM UP 200m Run Plyos ENDURANCE 2x 400m Run 2x 500m Row For Fastest Time on Each 2 Min Rest After Each Effort WOD 20-10-5 Front Rack Lunges Chest to Bar Pull-ups
HSPU Skill Day
WARM UP :30 Drills x 2 Jacks Seals Straight Leg Sit-Up Push Ups Bar Hang 1:00 Stretch SKILL HSPU Work or… If You Are a Jedi Master… 10 Min EMOM: Odd: 20 DU Even: 8
Labor Day Schedule & Justin Lewis’ Performance at The Crush Games
LABOR DAY SCHEDULE: Weekend Schedule will remain the same. We will still run the usual 8 am and 9 am classes on Saturday and the 4 pm on Sunday as well as Yoga on Sunday
Shoulder Friday
TONIGHT – Movie Night at 7pm! Join us for “The Lego Movie,” some drinks, snack and good friends. CLICK HERE TOMORROW – Fitness in the Park at 9am! Join us for our second rendition of Fitness in
Our members are awesome in so many ways! Yesterday we posted about Jenny Niemann who climbed Pike’s Peak. Today one of our first members, Cameron Powell, released an App called “Vemory”. It’s a new social