Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Last Monday at Current Gym!
This week will be our last week on Rector Street! Starting Monday, June 30th, we will be at 8842 Broadway! We will be moving all weekend starting at 4pm Friday. Any help will be greatly
1 More Week!
We are 1 week away from our move! A couple of reminders: – If you have anything stored at the gym (gear, supplements, etc.) please take them home! We are not responsible for personal items that
June Athlete of the Month – Brian Fuentes
When we select our Athlete of the Month, we consider those who have an unmatched work ethic when they come in to the gym. Brian fits this description perfectly. He’s shown incredible drive since the day
The Move Has Started!
In case you didn’t notice… We’ve started the move! Our pull-up rigs were taken over to the new facility and will be fully installed later this week. You will slowly start to see some things move
WARM UP 200m Run Burgener Warm-Up Barbell Warm-Up SKILL 3 Rep Snatch Touch and Go or Drop and Reset WOD 12 Min AMRAP: 10 KB Snatch (24/16) 10 Russian Twists w/KB 10 LHPU
WARM UP 400m Run 2x: 10 Air Squats 10 Lunge to Instep 10 Gate Swings 10 Push-Ups STRENGTH Back Squat 3x :30 ME Reps @ 80% of 1RM 2:00 Rest Between Sets WOD 4 Rounds