Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
CrossFit Total
CHECK OUT COACH DREW’S INTERVIEW AT HIS NPFL COMBINE!!! Here is a video from last night’s 5:30pm class with the Fitness Tour joining us! Packed class for sure! WARM UP 400m Run 15 Jumping Jacks
Fitness Tour IV – The Fight Against Childhood Obesity – TONIGHT at 530PM
The Fitness Tour IV, sponsored by Isabella Fitness and Quest Nutrition, is an event that raises money for the NFL Play 60 Program in the fight against Childhood Obesity. The Isabella Fitness Team will join
Fight Gone Bad-ish
We’re hosting a couple of seminars soon!!! CrossFit Endurance Trainer Course – April 26-27 From the CrossFit Endurance Website: This introduction to CrossFit Endurance fundamentals is ideal for coaches/trainers, all endurance athletes, CrossFit athletes looking
Endure This!
WARM UP 3 Minute Jump Rope Plyos ENDURANCE 5 Rounds for Total Reps: Tabata DU Tabata Burpees Tabata Thrusters (45/35) WOD 4 Rounds for Time (20min Cutoff) 400m Run 10 HSPU 12 Deadlifts (155/105) Rx+
Barbells and Burpees
WARM UP 400m Run PVC Warm-Up Barbell Warm-Up STRENGTH 15 Min to Find Max in Following Complex: 3-6-9 Shoulder Press – Push Press – Push Jerk WOD 3 Min AMRAP: 10 Burpee Over Bar 10
Texas Strongman
REMINDER: TOMORROW we are hosting the Texas Strongest Man and Woman Championiship! Because of this, there will ONLY be a 7:30-8:30 AM class. After this hour, the gym will be closed in preparation for the