Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
What a Wednesday!
WARM UP 2x: 200m Run Fence Drills 10 Inch Worm + Pushup ENDURANCE 6 Rounds w/a Partner: Partner 1: 200m Run Partner 2: ME CTB Pullups WOD 21-15-9 Box Jumps (30/24) LHPU
Love Your Legs Tuesday
WARMUP 200m Run Plyos SKILL Pistols 3×8 Each Leg WOD 10-8-6-4-2 Burpees Front Squats (155/105) *Curb to Curb Run Between Each Round CASH OUT Accumulate 2 minutes of a Bar Hang
Max Effort Monday
WARM UP 400m Run 3 Rounds: 10 Lunge to Instep 10 Downdog Pushups 10 Jumping Squats STRENGTH 3x ME Ring Dips WOD 12 Min Cap: Death by Clean and Jerk (135/95) CASH OUT 4 Min
Class & Open Gym Tomorrow
Tomorrow, July 4th, we will be having only an 8:00am class. There will be open gym from 8:00am – 10:00am, but I highly recommend you (this includes the lifters!) not coming for open gym until
1 Day Til the 4th!!!
WARM UP :30 Drills x 3 Jumping Jacks Good Mornings Air Squats Pushups 1:00 Stretch ENDURANCE 20:00 to Complete… 3 Rounds: 250m Row 20 KBS (24/16) *Rest as Needed WOD 10 Min AMRAP: Curb to
July Athlete of the Month – Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith has been named our July 2013 Athlete of the Month! She is a regular at the noon class so be sure and introduce yourself if you attend a class that she is in.