Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
If You Didn’t Do Enough Overhead Squats Last Week…
A request came from our 5:30am CrossFit junkies to have a post-Paleo Challenge! Some of them feel like they have fallen off the band-wagon and need a refresher. It begin this Wednesday, so you need
If You Didn't Do Enough Overhead Squats Last Week…
A request came from our 5:30am CrossFit junkies to have a post-Paleo Challenge! Some of them feel like they have fallen off the band-wagon and need a refresher. It begin this Wednesday, so you need
New Class!
I hope everyone had a great Fiesta week! I know there was a lot going on and hopefully you got to take advantage of most of it. Last week we tested a 4:30pm class Monday/Wednesday/Friday
You wanna know what the CrossFit Games truly are about…This is why I challenge myself day in and day out. [youtube=] BUY-IN: 5min Jump Rope 500m Row 30 Wall Squats 30 KB Swings 3 Rounds
BUY-IN: LIFT: 5 – 5 – 5 Clean & Jerk WOD: 3RFT 20 V-ups 20 Sit-ups 20 Hollow Rocks CASH-OUT: 500 Double Unders (15min cutoff)
Just Because We CrossFit…
The CrossFit Games Open is in full swing and we are into week 4! WOD 11.4 has posted and everyone is saying “What the heck?!” It’s something very odd, especially when they say it’s “Rounds