Partner Thursday
WARM-UP 400m Run 3 x :30 Drills Jumping Jacks Baby Squats Lune to Instep Good Mornings MOBILITY Banded Stretching on Racks – Hips (3 positions) – Hamstring Flossing WOD #1
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Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 104
WARM-UP 400m Run 3 x :30 Drills Jumping Jacks Baby Squats Lune to Instep Good Mornings MOBILITY Banded Stretching on Racks – Hips (3 positions) – Hamstring Flossing WOD #1
The Mission CrossFit San Antonio Holiday Party is upon us! We are only a few weeks away from our party, but don’t wait to reserve your spot. This years event
Smartphones have become a staple in our busy lives by not only providing an incredibly convenient resource, but also a means to communicate easily and quickly through texting and emails.
Thank you to all the athletes, spectators and other affiliates who came together this Saturday for Barbell for Boobs! It was a massively successful community event with 140+ athletes performing
Some of you may have received some email subscription blasts containing posts to our blog. These were NOT our posts and apparently we were hacked early this morning. We are working on the issue
WARM-UP 400m Run Wall Ball Warm-up x 2 With partner 10 Overhead Throws 10 Wall Ball Shots to Each Other 10 Burpees on the Ball plus Chest Pass to partner
Barbells for Boobs is TODAY! Come support this great cause and sign up to perform “GRACE!” If you haven’t registered for a heat you can do so by Clicking Here
Barbells for Boobs is this SATURDAY! This is a city-wide event and will be the only thing happening Saturday. Come support this great cause and sign up to perform “GRACE!” This will be
WARM UP :30 Drills x 2 Jacks Good Mornings Air Squats Plank Pushups 1:00 Stretch ENDURANCE 3 Rounds: 400m Run 30 WBS (20/14) – 2 Min Rest – WOD 10
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217