Hooray for Friday!
Just a reminder… Here’s our Labor Day Schedule: Sunday, September 1 9 AM Class ONLY. No 4PM Class. Labor Day (9/2/13) Gym Hours: 8 AM and 9 AM Class ONLY!!!
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Home » Archives for PPLAdmin » Page 139
Just a reminder… Here’s our Labor Day Schedule: Sunday, September 1 9 AM Class ONLY. No 4PM Class. Labor Day (9/2/13) Gym Hours: 8 AM and 9 AM Class ONLY!!!
There will be a new 4-week cycle of the Barbell Sport Prep class starting in 2 weeks! The schedule will be as follows: – Starting Monday, September 9; Mondays &
Sunday, September 1 9 AM Class ONLY. No 4PM Class. Labor Day (9/2/13) Gym Hours: 8 AM and 9 AM Class ONLY!!! All other classes are cancelled for the day.
WARM UP Light Plyos PVC Warmup MOBILITY Banded Hip Mobility Rack Barbell Hamstring Foam Roll (Post WOD) WOD 800m Run then… 2 Rounds: 40 Plate OH Lunges (45/25) 30 Plate
WARM UP 400m Run Plyos ENDURANCE 6 Rounds: 200m Run 20 Split Squat Jumps WOD 12 Min AMRAP: 200m Run 10 Box Jumps 15 Hand Release Pushups
WARM-UP :30 drills x 3 Jacks Squats Seal Jumps Push-ups 1:00 Stretching SKILL: Pistol mobility Pistol Modification WOD: “Mary” 20:00 AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 Pistols (alternating) 15 Pull-ups
If you are an athlete that uses the cubbies over by the lifting area, please take your gear home and wash it. It’s starting to get a little funky back
WARM UP Curb to Curb Run Plyos STRENGTH Death by Strict Pullup (12 Min Cap) *400m Run Once You Can No Longer Complete a Round WOD 1 Min ME Pushups
WARM UP 400m Run MOBILITY Foam Roll Entire Body WOD 25 Min to Complete: -1000m Row for Time -50 WBS (20/14) -Curb to Curb Sled Push (180/100) *Each WOD is
The Whole Life Challenge starts in only 17 days! This will be our main nutrition for the rest of 2013. Lots of you have been asking when our next nutrition
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San Antonio, Texas 78217