Nothing Like Some Lunges to Take You Into the Weekend!
WARM UP 400m Run :30 Drills Jumping Jacks Good Mornings Air Squats Alternating Lunges Pushups 1:00 Stretch STRENGTH 3×8 Barbell Lunges (8 each leg) then… 100 Banded Good Mornings WOD
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WARM UP 400m Run :30 Drills Jumping Jacks Good Mornings Air Squats Alternating Lunges Pushups 1:00 Stretch STRENGTH 3×8 Barbell Lunges (8 each leg) then… 100 Banded Good Mornings WOD
There are 4 spots left in Coach Ed’s Noon time slot for the Barbell Sport Prep class that is starting next Monday! Hurry and reserve your spot now! Email Coach
WARM UP 200m Run Outdoor Plyos ENDURANCE Team of 3: 2000m Row 100 Thrusters (45/35) 100 LHPU WOD “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders (2:1 Single Unders) Sit-ups
WARM-UP 2 rounds: CTC Run 15 Air Squats CTC Rune 15 Push-ups CTC Run 10 Inch Worms *then Shoulder Warm-up SKILL: Hollow/Arch Position Butterfly Pull-ups WOD: 12min AMRAP 7 Burpees
Only one week until the next round of Barbell Sport Prep Classes start!!! The 6pm Session on Tue/Thurs is sold out! There are 2 spots left in the 6 AM
Due to high demand, Coach Jeff will be offering a 5 to 6am, a 6 to 7am, and a 7:30 to 8:30pm MCFSA Strength Crew Class. There is one more space
WARM UP 2x: 200m Row 15 Air Squats 15 Pushups 15 Ring Rows 200m Run MOBILITY Front Rack Mobility – Tricep Smash – Tricep Roll-Out – Partner PNF WOD 7
Ready to take your CrossFit to the next level of skill or strength? Maybe you’ve wanted to get your kids involved in what you are so passionate about?! Now you
We are announcing the next set of Barbell Sport Prep course dates. Our first go at the class was a hit! Attendees left the program with a solid understanding of the olympic lifts
WARM UP Outdoor Plyos Fence Drills Squat Broad Jumps – Length of the Building PVC Shoulder Warm-up WOD 2013 Regional Chipper (Modified) 100 DU 50 HSPU 40 T2B 30 Shoulder
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217