Farmers carry
WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos SKILL: KB farmers carry shuttle (24/16) Teams of 2: 4X’s each person WOD: 4 Rounds for time (22:00) 400m Run/Row 10 Burpee over plate 15 Plate
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WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos SKILL: KB farmers carry shuttle (24/16) Teams of 2: 4X’s each person WOD: 4 Rounds for time (22:00) 400m Run/Row 10 Burpee over plate 15 Plate
WARM-UP: PVC warm-up SKILL: Build to a heavy 3 rep OHS (10:00) WOD: For time (15:00 cut) 50 Sit ups 4 Rounds: 10 Hang power snatches (95/65) 30 Double unders
WARM-UP: Ladder drills 2X :30 Drills Good mornings Air squats Reach overs Push ups Straight leg sit ups SKILL: 3:00 warm-up Every 3:00 for 15:00 Backsquats 10-8-6-4-2 WOD: 10:00 AMRAP
WARM-UP: 400m Run Everett warm-up WOD: 2 Rounds for time: 300m Row 30 Box jumps 30 Dumbbell GTO 30 LHPU 30 KBS (24/16) 30 Ring rows 30 Burpees 30 Sit
WARM-UP: 200m Run PVC warm up SKILL: 1 Rep max weighted pull-up OR 5X5 Strict OR 5X5 Negative pull ups WOD: 5 Rounds 10 Deadlifts (135/95) 8 Front squats 6
WARM-UP: 2X 250m Row 1 Set of fence drills 15 Air squats 5 inchworms to 1 push up 2:00 Group stretch SKILL: Foam Roll WOD: “The Chief” AMRAP in 3
WARM-UP: 400m Run Plyos 2:00 Group stretch SKILL: 1 Mile partner slamball relay race (30/20) * Rest while partner runs 200m with the slamball until your team accumulates 1 mile.
WARM-UP: 200m Run 3:00 Jump Rope Light KB 3Xs 10 Russian swings 10 GOB squats 2:00 Group stretch SKILL: Flight simulator- Double Unders 50-40-30-20-10-20-30-40-50 WOD: 200m Run 40 KBS (24/16)
WARM-UP: :30 Drills Jumping jacks Air squats Air circles Bar hang Push ups 2:00 Group stretch SKILL: 12 Minute EMOM Minute 1: 6 FSQ (135/95) Minute 2: 8 Pull-ups WOD:
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217