Strength to start the week
WOD 1: 4RFT 4 Strict Pull-ups 12 Jumping Squats WOD 2: On the Minute, Every Minute, For 20min 3 Squat-Cleans (135/95) 1 Burpee *This sums up the workout.
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WOD 1: 4RFT 4 Strict Pull-ups 12 Jumping Squats WOD 2: On the Minute, Every Minute, For 20min 3 Squat-Cleans (135/95) 1 Burpee *This sums up the workout.
A rainy, rainy Saturday! But, a chance to make the board! WOD: “Karen” 150 Wall Ball Shots (20/10) WOD: “8 of Hearts” 7 RFT 10 Medicine Ball Cleans 10 Burpees
Fight Gone Bad (FGB) is a WOD that is done world wide once a year to raise money for Prostate Cancer Research and is also known as one of the hardest and most intense
Lift: 5-3-2-1-1-1 Back Squat WOD: For Time: 400m Run 30 Push-ups 30 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 30 Ring Dips 30 Box Jumps 400m Run
“That Which Does Not Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger.” – Friedrich Nietzsche [youtube=] Talk about being strong. Kevin Nee is currently only 24 years old and competed in his first Strong
Read this and ask yourself why you CrossFit. I know why I do, do you? “In 2005, Ben Lunak was with 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, India Company in Iraq. On Feb.
The CrossFit Journal recently posted an article that talk begs the question, which shoe is ideal for CrossFit? It’s honestly a personal preference. Because I have wide feet, I have to
Wanted to give major props to Neal who just pulled a 525lb then a 545lb Deadlift to top it off like he was taking candy from a baby. Amazing job
This week was a great week here at Mission CrossFit SA! We had a bunch of people stop by and new members sign-up! We also had Elyse stop by from CrossFit Hawaii
Do you flail around on the pull-up bars like a douche bag? WOD: “Nicole” 20 AMRAP 400m Run Max Pull-ups (once your feet touch the ground, you have to run)
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San Antonio, Texas 78217