Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Clean And Jump
Your bar should never be light enough to do this: [youtube=] Buy-In: Outdoor Plyos Skill: Atlas Stones! WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP: 6 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95) 12 Box Jumps (20) *Alternate with Partner. So partner A
Drew Is Programming, So Get The Ice Bath Ready!
Reminder: Coach Renee is back in action, so CrossFit Kids is back on tomorrow. Pups (Ages 3-5)- 3:45-4:05 Cubs (Ages 5-10)- 4:10-4:40 Tigers (Ages 10-12)-4:45-5:15 Buy-In: 5 Min Jump Rope Strength: 3 Sets: Max Push-Ups
CrossFit “Hope” was designed to raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. The average cost of a day’s operating cost at St. Jude’s is $1.7 million dollars, so CrossFit’s goal is to raise $1.7
Just Two Mini WOD’s
Buy-In: 800m Run Everett Warm-up Mobility: Foam Roll WOD #1: 8 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Clapping Push-ups 10 Hollow Rocks WOD #2 8 Minute AMRAP of: Curb-to-Curb Sprint 10 Jumping Squats (25/15)
Take a close look at this picture if you are wanting to compete with our team! We have two events coming up as well as a team lift open. This means that on August 4th,
Hop Around
Today is your day to perfect your double under skills and max out your max height box jump. Check out this standing “box” jump! [youtube=] ***CrossFit Kids classes are cancelled until next week! Make sure