Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Day After Easter Doesn’t Mean We Take It Easy
Registration is NOW AVAILABLE for CrossFit Kids! Click Here to sign-up now! Coach Renee Ulrich will begin our CrossFit Kids program on Monday April 16th. The CrossFit Kids program will be taking place at our old location: 7701 Broadway, Suite 5, 78209 *Discount
BUY-IN: 2 Rounds: 250m Row 15 PVC Pass Throughs 15 PVC Good Mornings :30 Bar Hang Strength WOD: Shoulder Press, Push-Press, Push-Jerk 3x (5-7-9) (115/65) WOD: 15 minute AMRAP 6 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups 8 Power Cleans
Recover and Run
WARM-UP: Line Jumps Plyos MOBILITY: Foam Roll and Lacrosse Ball Work WOD: 3 RFT 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 400m Run 15 Box Jumps 200m Backwards Run 30 Hollow Rocks
Don’t Drop The Kettle-Bell!
NO CLASSES THIS SUNDAY FOR EASTER! As some of you have noticed, we have added a goal setting board above the water fountain. As athletes, and as humans it is always important to set goals.
CrossFit Kids Is Ready To Go!!
CrossFit Kids is finally here!!!! Coach Renee Ulrich will begin our CrossFit Kids program on Monday April 16th. The CrossFit Kids program will be taking place at our old location: 7701 Broadway, Suite 5, 78209 The
Today Is A True Strength Day.
***Affiliate Team Members! Workouts will be posted on the board above the kettle bells each day. Drew/Nick will be posting their individual work each day and Nick will be posting what the team does as