Sunday Funday
WARM UP: Plyos SKILL: BB warm up WOD: 5 rounds: 400m Run 10 Burpee box jumps 10 Sumo deadlift high-pull (95/65) 10 Thrusters 1 Minute rest
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WARM UP: Plyos SKILL: BB warm up WOD: 5 rounds: 400m Run 10 Burpee box jumps 10 Sumo deadlift high-pull (95/65) 10 Thrusters 1 Minute rest
WARM UP: 400m Run Plyos :10 Line Jumps 20 Monster Walk Step Overs 20 Pelvic Raises 15 Single Leg Pelvic Raises 5 Part Hip 10 Jump Squats SKILL: 120 Wall
WARM UP: 10:00 AMRAP 25 Double Unders/Penguin/Wiffle Balls 5 Inch Worm + Push-up 6 Lunge to Instep 10 PVC Pass Through 10 Knee Above The Hip Swings 10 American KBS
WARM UP: CTC run ( before each movement ) 20 Pelvic raises 20 Lunges 20 Scorpions 20 Air squats 10 SLSU + 10 Push-ups SKILL: CrossFit Baseline 500m Row 40
WARM UP: Fence Drills 2 Rounds: 10 GMs 10 Walking lunge to instep 10 Side Lunges 20 Monster walks (Left/Right) 10 Banded Squats SKILL: 15:00 to Find 1RM FSQ WOD:
WARM UP: 30 drills X 2 Jumping jacks Squat hold Squats Push ups Downward dog Lunge to instep right Lunge to instep left Ring Rows SKILL: Heavier “Grace” 30 Clean
WARM UP: 200m Run 20 Pelvic Raises 10 Single Leg Pelvic Raises 10 Kicks on ground 5 Inch Worm + PU 10 Walking Lunges 10 Side Lunges 10 Air Squat
WARM UP: Plyos SKILL: Set up for WOD WOD: 7:00 AMRAP 6-Power Snatch (115/75) 12- WBS (20/14) 3:00 REST 7:00 AMRAP 12- AM Sit-ups 6- BP To Pull-Up 3:00 REST
WARM UP: 8:00 EMOM M1: Shuttle run M2: 12 Plate GTO (25/15) M3: 10 Walking Lunges + 5 Push Ups M4: 10 Lunge to instep SKILL: Into WOD WOD: “Whittman”
WARM UP: 2 Rounds CTC Run 4 Lunge to instep (each) 6 Burpees Broad Jump into Squat 8 Pass throughs 10 Thrusters w/ PVC pipe :30 Goblet Squat Hold SKILL:
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217