EMOM and Mobility
WARM UP Everett Warm-Up Barbell Warm-Up WOD 16 Min EMOM: Min 1: 200m Run Min 2: ME Power Snatch (135/95) Min 3: 20 Situps Min 4: 50 sec Plank MOBILITY
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WARM UP Everett Warm-Up Barbell Warm-Up WOD 16 Min EMOM: Min 1: 200m Run Min 2: ME Power Snatch (135/95) Min 3: 20 Situps Min 4: 50 sec Plank MOBILITY
MEMORIAL DAY MURPH SCHEDULE Sunday May 24th – No Class! Monday May 25th (Memorial Day) – 8 AM and 9 AM Class Only. We will be Performing “Murph”: 1-Mile Run
WARM UP 3 Min Jump Rope PVC Warm-Up SKILL 12 Min to Find: 10 RM Shoulder to Overhead then 1 Set of 10 @ 90% of Today’s 10 RM WOD
Thanks to everyone who competed and supported the 1st Annual Mud Bug Throwdown! It was a great time had by all and we look forward to hosting more in-house events
8 AM CLASS ONLY TOMORROW (Saturday 5/9). Mud Bug Throwdown kicks off tomorrow at 10 AM. Just a reminder to everyone that anyone can come join in on the fun
There is 1 Spot Remaining in the Rx Division! Please let a Coach know if you would like that spot! Here is the SCHEDULE FOR THE SATURDAY: 8:45am – 9:15am:
WARM UP 300m Row 2 sets of fence drills 200m Row 20 lunges/20 squats 100m Row 20 ring row/20 push-ups WOD For Time: (20:00 cut) 800m Run 20 Pull ups
MUD BUG THROWDOWN WOD 3: The “Earn-Your-Beer” Chipper For Time: (12 minute Time Cap) 20 Burpee-Box Jump Overs** (20″ boxes for both Scaled and Rx men and women) 40 Power
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″] This month, we have selected Butch Hulse as our May 2015 Athlete of the Month. In the past few months, Butch has put some serious work
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217