Tabata Cash-in And Tabata Cash-Out
We have added a new page to our website! It’s an “Events” tab that will continually update with events we participate in, our athletes compete in, and up coming events.
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Home » Workout of the Day » Page 265
We have added a new page to our website! It’s an “Events” tab that will continually update with events we participate in, our athletes compete in, and up coming events.
Warm-up: :30 Bar Hang 20 Air Squats 20 Goodmornings 10 Push-ups :30 Plank Strength WOD: 5-4-3-2-1 Thruster WOD: Team Of 3 People As Many REPS As Possible: P1: 200m Farmer
Tabata Squats are the worst way to start a workout. Warm-Up: Everett Warm-Up Endurance WOD: 8 Rounds Of Tabata Squats/Row/Rest Rotation In Teams of 3 People WOD: 15 Minute AMRAP of:
With the summer really heating up, be thankful that our box is air conditioned… Warm-up: 500 Row 2 Sets of Fence drills (10 each direction, each leg) 400m Run Skill: 6:00
I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for an amazing week of CrossFit! I know I am! The CrossFit Games have come to a close which signifies
Warm-Up: Strength WOD: 60 Ring Dips ** Goal is to do as many as possible without dropping WOD: “Pues” 10 BSQ (135/95) 200m Run 20 BSQ 400m Run 30 BSQ
Warm-Up: 3 Rounds: 200m Row 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10 PVC Good Mornings 10 PVC OHSQ Mobility: PVC Shoulder Warm-up Power Snatch Progressions WOD: “Josh” 21 Overhead Squats (95/65) 42
Warm-Up: Ladders Fence Drills Endurance WOD: 3 x 1000m Run (2:00 Rest) **Don’t deviate more than :03- :05 per run WOD: “Death By DeadLifts/Burpees” 1 DL (135/95) + 1 Burpee
WEEKEND COMPETITION SERIES: If you haven’t seen it yet, Coach Nick has posted up a Summer Weekend Competition Series for our gym. We want this to be fun, competitive and
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217