Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
Home » Workout of the Day
Sprints and Team WOD Wednesday
WARM UP 400m Run Plyos ENDURANCE 15 Min to Complete: 3 Shuttle Runs *Rest as needed between efforts WOD Teams of 3: 15 Min AMRAP 250m Row ME Weighted Sit-ups (20/14) ME LHPU *Rotate Each
No Burpees Today!
WARM UP Ladder Drills 3 Rounds of: 10 Inch Worms 10 Strict Pullups or 10 Ring Rows SKILL 10 Min EMOM ODD: 30 DU EVEN: 14 OH Lunges w/Plate WOD 800m Run 30 Thrusters (45/35)
WARM UP 400m Run PVC Warm-up Barbell Warm-up STRENGTH With a Partner, 15 Minute to Find Max: 2 Rep Touch and Go Clean and Jerk WOD 10 Minute Ladder: 3 KBS (24/16) 3 Burpees 6
2014 CrossFit Games Open WOD 14.2
HAPPY SPRING BREAK FRIDAY! Today you will either perform the Open WOD or complete the following to make sure you get a full workout in and not just 3:00! If you want to perform the
Get Your Mobility in Before 14.2
WARM UP 5 Min Jump Rope 2 Rounds of Cindy MOBILITY Barbell Quad Smash Barbell Calf Roll Barbell Shoulder Smash Hip Mobility Complex WOD 10 Min AMRAP: 200m Run 10 KBS (32/24) 10 Ab-Mat Situps
Yes, Burpees AGAIN
ATTENTION ALL ATHLETES COMPETING IN THE CROSSFIT GAMES OPEN: It would be of GREAT help if as many of you as possible completed the Judges Course. We ran into a bit of an issue last