We Love Our Future Moms!
This is a little late, but we wanted to make sure everyone knew about our Atheletes of the Month for July! We have a handful of women who are pregnant
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Home » Workout of the Day » Page 266
This is a little late, but we wanted to make sure everyone knew about our Atheletes of the Month for July! We have a handful of women who are pregnant
Warm-Up: Strength: 3 Rounds Of: Snatch Balance + 3 OHS (75% of 1Rep Max Of OHS) WOD: 15min AMRAP **there are two options** Option 1: Goal of 100 Clean And Jerks
Warm-up: 400M Run 3 Rounds: 15 KBS 15 KB Goblet Squats 10 Figure-8’s Mobility WOD: 2:00 Bear Crawl 100 V-Ups 75 Kettle-Bell Swings 50 Pull-Ups 25 Kettle-Bell Snatch(each arm) 50
Warm-up: 400m Run :30 Second Drills Endurance: 7 Minute AMRAP Of…. BURPEES WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP Of: 15 Toe-to-bar 15 Dead-lifts (185/115) 200m Run
This Saturday July 14th, Ayon Wen-Waldron and one of her co-workers will be coming to our 8:00am class to take some marketing photographs of us working out together. This is
Warm-up: 3 Minutes Of Jump Rope 3x 10 Squats 10 Push-ups 10 Sit-Ups Strength: 3x 10 Barbell Goodmornings **At the end of each round you must complete 30 Banded Goodmornings
***REMINDER!!! There will not be class at 8AM this Saturday (7/7) and no class on Sunday! There will only be a 9AM class tomorrow! 7:30pm Classes will continue on Tuesday
Warm-up: Run/Plyos Mobility Form Roller Banded Stretch Lacrosse Ball WOD: “Deck Of Death” With A Partner, complete the deck Jokers = 15 Burpees Spades = Wall-Ball Shots Diamonds
Reminder: there will be no CrossFit Kids Thursday July 5th. Thank you for your support! Warm-up: 400m Run 3 Rounds: 20 Pushups 20 Squats 5 Burpees 20 PVC Pass Throughs
***No CrossFit Kids Classes this week, but we will be back next week! Warm-up: Ladder Drills Skill: Kettle-bell KB clean and 1 Arm swing WOD: Complete For Time: 40 Kettle
8842 Broadway St.
San Antonio, Texas 78217