Climb A Mountain In 2’s

Climb A Mountain In 2’s

Climb A Mountain In 2’s

This Saturday July 14th, Ayon Wen-Waldron and one of her co-workers will be coming to our 8:00am class to take some marketing photographs of us working out together.  This is a big thing for her as she will be using it in her new business venture that Mission CrossFit SA will be apart of as we reach out to the city of San Antonio.  We would love to have AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE come to this class in an effort to fill the gym and help Ayon and MCFSA out in these photographs.  Just understand that your picture will be taken in class like we always do and may be used on a brochure or handout.  If you want to ask questions or have concerns, email them directly to me at

If you don’t know Ayon, she is a long-time member of Mission CrossFit SA, a bad ass runner and the owner of Ayon’s Bakery, where she specialized in healthy and Paleo baked goods!  Yeah, that’s right!  You can check out her website by clicking here.

Let’s aim to have a huge turnout for Saturday morning class!  Thanks all!


200m Run



Turkish Get-ups (3 x 5 each Arm)


16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Of Thrusters(95/65)

2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16 Of Box Jumps (24″/20″)


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