I know everyone has been talking about getting to the new facility and when it is going to happen. We are literally on the brink of making that jump! If
Workout of the Day
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Workout of the Day
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Max Clean & Jerk Day
BUY-IN: :30 Drills (x 2) 5min Squat/Jerk Warm-up LIFT: Max Clean & Jerk *Everyone is on a 1:00 rotation. There will be 2 groups depending on how many are in the
You Missed White Elephant.
Last night we had our informal Christmas Party at our new facility and it was great! We has over 40 people come and about 30 participate in the White Elephant
Two Tough Max Efforts And Xmas Schedule
Christmas and New Year’s is just around the corner! Here is the gym schedule for the next two weekends! Friday, December 23rd 5:30am, 6:30am, 8:30am, 9:30am (Women’s Only), 12:00pm (NO
Did Someone Ask For Ab Work? I Think So.
BUY-IN: Indoor Plyos PVC Stretching 3 x 25 Hollow Rocks WOD: For Time: 100 Toe-to-Bar 75 Ab Mat Sit-ups 50 V-ups 25 Burpee Box Jumps (20″)
Lock Out Through Those Bands!
Out new facility is almost done! We got our last inspection competed and now it’s just a matter of time before we are in! If you haven’t seen it yet,
Mobility and Rowing – The Perfect Combination
BUY IN: Mobility Foam Roll Lacrosse Ball Banded Stretching 2 x :30 Bar Hang 3 x 8 Shin Jumps (Vest/Ankle Weight if needed) WOD: 4 x 500 m Row -Rest
Sorry for the late post today! We are NOT YET IN THE NEW GYM! We have had a lot of calls about it, so remember, we will let you know
End The Week As A Team
BUY-IN: PVC Warm-up Indoor Plyos WOD: With your Partner Complete The Following: 250 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 200 Sit-ups 150 Burpees 100 Pull-ups
Get Creative With Your Kettlebell
I know we have been talking about our new facility everyday because we are so excited to get in! We were hoping to be able to have class tomorrow (Friday),