For those of you who don’t know, CrossFit has been fighting a battle to become an accredited Certification for while now. It’s a long, tough process, but as of yesterday…CrossFit has finally become accredited! It’s a huge success since it was put together by one man and has caught on by fitness enthusiasts like yourselves. CrossFit will now have to recognition it deserves just like any other physical fitness training certification. This is has been a huge leap forward for CrossFit and I think we can all say it will continue on this path as well!
We are currently offering a great special for your friends and family to come try CrossFit out with us during the Holiday season! There are special promotion cards in the office that you can hand out to them. Ask for more information.
And don’t forget that we will be conducting our second Paleo/Nutrition Challenge in January of 2011! We will begin January 22nd and it will run for 6 weeks until March 5th. You are required to be there on January 22nd to learn about the program, get your materials and complete the benchmark WOD. Also, at some point during that starting week you are to get your measurements done by one of the Coaching Staff and also have your pictures taken (this is by your choice, but without the pictures we cannot let you compete for a prize since we will have no pictures to compare). You are also required to be in attendance on March 5th for the final numbers and final benchmark WOD (measurements and pictures will also be taken during that final week). Final times and information will be announced in the new year.
1a. 500m Row
1b. 12 – 1 Scale of Jumping jacks and Sit-ups
1c. 30 Squats facing the wall
1d. Foam Roll IT Bands and Quads
A. 35 – 25 – 15 — (75+/45+) (50%)
B. 25 – 15 – 5 — (95+/65+) (60%)
C. 15 – 10 – 5 — (135+/95+) (75%)
30 Jumping Pull-ups
25 Burpees Mt. Climbers
25 V-ups